Studio Main led North Augusta Forward and the City of North Augusta through a Master Plan Update of the original 2015 Downtown Greeneway Connector Feasibilityi Study. This implementation focused plan would extend the North Augusta Greeneway from Hammonds Ferry along Bluff Avenue to the alleyway identified in the 2015 Master Plan. The Master Plan Update focused on a new streetscape enhancement along Bluff Avenue that would improve stormwater drainage, improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, and extend the new revitalized Downtown character through the use of pedestrian scale lighting fixtures and decorative banners. This area has been a primary concern of the elected officials in prior meetings due to the continued development of Downtown and the North Augusta Riverfront.
As a gateway to Downtown North Augusta, Studio Main led the Master Plan Update to incorporate elected official’s vision and financial strategies into a strategy that would allow for immediate implementation. The corridor is a transitional land-use between Downtown and Hammond’s Ferry. Coordination with the City Planning Department and Engineering Department resulted in discussions related to implementation funding that would compliment the City’s Strategic Vision for active-communities and enhance the already developed network of the North Augusta Greeneway. The design reflected an urban characteristic of wide sidewalks, minimal curb cuts, and additional streetscape elements to prioritize the cyclist and pedestrian modes of transportation.
We create active and thriving communities through our unique “Main Street Approach” and “Handlebar Perspective.” Our proven comprehensive landscape architecture and city planning process is both simple and comprehensive.
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